Hello, November! I’ve been expecting you. So although it feels more like late summer here in South Carolina, I’m gearing up for winter and the holidays with “My Favorite Things” selections inspired by what’s wowing me this month. From tech to beauty, home and books, we’ve got quite the assortment of ideas.
I feel like Maria from “The Sound of Music” every time I write a post about My Favorite Things. But every month without fail, I find several items that fascinate me enough to share them with my peeps.
November makes me so thankful to live in a country where I have bountiful freedoms like the right to vote and to worship as I please. When I think of the blessings of my family, friends, and good health, it makes me misty. November, you slay me every time!
This month’s list includes a wide range of products: techie, book, beauty, and household. I’m hoping that these will soon be a few of YOUR favorite things!
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HP Sprocket Portable Photo Printer
This has to be one of the coolest electronic inventions since the Polaroid! Yes, I’m showing my age by talking about the old school Polaroid. The HP Sprocket will immediately print your smartphone photos onto special 2″ x 3″ stickable paper. My kids are going nuts over this little beauty.
Honestly, the Sprocket fascinates everyone. When we were in Jamaica last week, the Sprocket was the big hit at the local school we visited. These precious children clamored to have their photos taken with their friends and then watch the Sprocket print out a photo for them. It was magical sharing this technology with them.
Disclosure: I received the HP Sprocket as part of my participation in the Social Media on the Sand conference in Jamaica. I was THISCLOSE to ordering one when I first heard about them. Now that I have one and I’ve seen it in action, I would wholeheartedly recommend it!
Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living
This should be required reading for all the moms out there scrambling on what I like to refer to as the hampster wheel. You know what I’m talking about, right? Spinning our little legs as fast as we can but not really getting anywhere. I fundamentally get it that I need to SLOW DOWN. But this book all brings it into focus. Shauna writes what is in my heart and gives me the room to say things like “no” to requests for my time if I need to and say “yes” to unplugging (seriously),
Niequist has joined the tribe of exceptional writers I’m digging like Jen Hatmaker, Ann Voskamp, Glennon Melton, Jenny Lawson, and Brene Brown. I think this sums the book up:
The world will tell you how to live, if you let it. Don’t let it. Take up your space. Raise your voice. Sing your song. This is your chance to make or remake a life that thrills you.”
BareMinerals Mini Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss Collection
Although I brand hop on my makeup, my go to lipgloss is Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie. How could you not love a name like that? Moxie is one of my favorite words because it’s something I strive for…courage and determination. I think of someone with some serious SPUNK!
While color choices are a personal thing, I think this 6 piece set is the best way to try out a beauty product. You don’t have a lot of money invested in it, and you can play around with which colors are your favorite. I always use the lip gloss over my matte lipstick to give it a bit of a shimmer. Naturally, when I got this, my teen quickly swooped in a grabbed a few for herself! FYI: My favorite color is Risk Taker.
Thieves Oil
Colder weather means boots, sweaters, and…germs. Yep, those pesky winter colds are a real pain in the you-know-where. Fortunately, a friend recommended thieves oil, and my immune system has never been so on point. I won’t say I never get sick, but it’s a seldom thing, and I think I owe it in part to the thieves oil.
Thieves Oil combines Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils. Inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals used while robbing the dead and dying, Thieves is one of Young Living’s most popular products. I also buy the Thieves foaming hand soap and household cleaner.
“Pinning Perfect” Pinterest Class
This last product is very specialized, but for social media peeps, I cannot recommend it more highly. Pinterest has become a huge traffic driver to my site, but I know I’m not using it to its full potential. Enter the Pinning Perfect online course from Blog Clarity.
Pinning Perfect works for beginner or experienced pinners. Beginners will learn the best practices for pinning and advanced techniques to pin with purpose. For experienced pinners, you’ll not only learn some tricks you may have missed, you’ll also learn simple tweaks that can make a big difference, as well as strategies to pin your content for maximum impact. If you run a business, Pinning Perfect can definitely help you drive traffic and learn how to build a strong presence on Pinterest, especially if you’re also running a blog.
While I get a commission for the referral, I promise you that I wouldn’t recommend it if it wasn’t beneficial!
Stay tuned: next month, I’ll have my Christmas list of Favorite Things! And thank you if you purchase any of these using the links: I make a small profit by being an Amazon Affiliate and Pinning Perfect affiliate.
I have had my eye on those tiny printers! How could I NOT want one?! That book sounds like a good one too and where, oh where was Thieves last week when I so desperately needed it? Great list.
I think you need the printer and should expense it! LOL I’m an enabler!