Hey you guys, it’s Giving Tuesday. Let’s go nuts with generosity today and for that matter EVERY day. What that looks like is very personal, but one idea is spreading random acts of kindness this holiday season. Here on the blog we’ve got a Holiday Random Acts of Kindness calendar and a few ideas to spread Christmas cheer and maybe get us all grinning from ear to ear.
We’ve moved from Black Friday to Cyber Monday, and now it’s Giving Tuesday. GivingTuesday is a “global day dedicated to giving back” and where people can “come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.” Sounds simple doesn’t it? The best concepts usually are.
Giving Tuesday
Here’s how we can participate. Find a cause or something that aligns with our passions and just go nuts! And no, we aren’t necessarily talking about just giving money. Remember the phrase “time talents and treasures”? It means that as well. So if cash is scarce, then perhaps working at a local food bank or nursing home would be a better match.
Shopping and Donating at the Same Time
This year, I’m looking at retailers that donate a portion of proceeds to charity. Check these 12 companies out:
Cuddle + Kind. This company’s dolls are ethically produced by Peruvian women artisans, and they help curb childhood hunger around the word. One doll = 10 meals, meaning the sale of one doll equals 10 meals provided to children in need through the World Food Program USA. The meal count is currently at 628,468!

Toms. “One for One” is their catchphrase, and they mean it. For every pair of Toms shoes or boots sold, the company donates a pair to someone in need. So far, they have donated 66 million pairs.
Bombas. This sock company follows the one for one concept with socks. I remember seeing Bombas on Shark Tank and was really impressed with their origin. The founders were inspired by the fact that socks are the number one most requested clothing item at homeless shelters.
Alex and Ani. Their “Charity by Design” bracelets are dedicated to a wide variety of charitable causes like No shock I picked this brand since I have quite a few Disney Alex and Ani bracelets. Bonus: Alex and Ani will donate 20% of the purchase price from each Candy Cane Charm sold, with a minimum donation of $10,000 between October 2016 and February 2017 to Give Kids The World Village, a 79-acre, non-profit resort in Central Florida that creates magical memories for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

Amazon Smile: Activate Amazon Smile by shopping, and 0.5% of any purchase will go to a charity of your choice. Amazon shoppers, this one’s just for you!
Waka Waka. Buy a WakaWaka light and the company sends one to someone living through a humanitarian crisis, like “survivors of natural disasters in Nepal, Haiti and the Philippines; families displaced by war and strife; and many others are able to tap into the power of the sun for light and power through the exact same WakaWaka design and quality.”
Tervis. I love Tervis tumblers, and the Two Can Art tumblers are created by the mother-son team of artist Patti Gay and her son Noah who is autistic. Five percent of the proceeds will be donated to bring awareness of and support to those with autism. I am so inspired by people like Patti who merge their passions with their artistry, and any cause to benefit autistic families is tops in my book.

LifeStraw. This personal water filter is ideal for hiking, backpacking, camping, travel, and emergency preparedness. It can turn up to 1,000 liters of contaminated water into safe drinking water. For every LifeStraw product sold, a child in a developing country receives clean, safe drinking water for an entire school year.
The Home T. I’ve raved about this company’s supersoft tees before, but an added bonus is that 10 percent of every purchase goes to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and is specifically earmarked for research.
The Giving Keys. This Los Angeles-based company employs those transitioning out of homelessness to make its products. Each key-themed product boasts an inspirational word like create, strength, inspire, and brave. Featuring necklaces, bracelets, and keychains.

Bogo Bowl. Can’t forget pets when coming up with ideas, right? For every bag of pet food purchased, Bogo Bowl ships one to an animal shelter, pet rescue or animal foster program. So BOGO actually also means By One Get One!
WeWOOD. The WeWOOD line of wooden watches pays it forward: for each watch sold, WeWOOD plants a tree. With the help of its customers and partners, WeWOOD has planted 442,246 trees across the globe since its reforestation program began in 2010.
One more idea: Checkout donations.
This is an easy peasy idea to do. When asked to make a donation to a charity at the checkout, say YES. Usually it’s a small amount like $1 or $2 which is less than a cup of coffee. Think of it as Dollar Donating.
We can start the giving wave right here. You know, the wave in the stadiums where we throw our hands in the air and stand up? That!
Hearing about generous givers and how it changes them is truly inspiring. Then we want to be like them and it’s CONTAGIOUS. Wow, that almost sound like the ending scene from Scrooged where Bill Murray goes off script and finally gets it. Here’s another lady who got it:
But Not The “Dig a Hole” Kickstarter
My one cause I am shocked that has actually raised a lot of money: the Dig a Hole Kickstarter campaign. My husband told me about this story yesterday. Apparently the creative minds behind Cards Against Humanity started a Kickstarter to raise $ 100,000 so they could dig what they called a “big, pointless hole in the ground.”
Here’s the punchline: they EXCEEDED their goal of $ 100,000! Seriously.

When asked about the campaign, the creators gave candid, tongue in cheek answers:
“What’s happening here?
Cards Against Humanity is digging a holiday hole.
Is this real?
Unfortunately it is.
Where is the hole?
America. And in our hearts.
Is there some sort of deeper meaning or purpose to the hole?
What do I get for contributing money to the hole?
A deeper hole. What else are you going to buy, an iPod?
Why aren’t you giving all this money to charity?
Why aren’t YOU giving all this money to charity? It’s your money.
Is the hole bad for the environment?
No, this was just a bunch of empty land. Now there’s a hole there. That’s life.
How am I supposed to feel about this?
You’re supposed to think it’s funny. You might not get it for a while, but some time next year you’ll chuckle quietly to yourself and remember all this business about the hole.
How deep can you make this sucker?
Great question. As long as you keep spending, we’ll keep digging. We’ll find out together how deep this thing goes.
What if you dig so deep you hit hot magma?
At least then we’d feel something.”
Well now. Guess you can use your money how you please. Just don’t tell me if you donate to this cause. Cards against humanity? More like restore my faith in humanity and give to a charity that is more than a hole in the ground.
So while it’s nothing profound like suggesting we dig a hole, I do have what I think would make a great kickstarter for us all…and most of them don’t cost anything…
Holiday Random Acts of Kindness Calendar
So in perfect harmony with the theme of today–GIVING–here is a Holiday Random Acts of Kindness Calendar filled with suggestions of tangible actions that you could do this holiday season. But don’t think we are limited to just these 25 days!
Love the candy cane border? Well, candy canes make an excellent treat to pair with notes of encouragement. Talk about spreading merri-MINT! Whether picking up a coffee or in the drive-thru or grocery store line, they are sure to bring a smile!
Now it’s your turn! Have any random acts of kindness that you like to do? Please share them in the comments!

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